The electrical team drew a diagram of the electrical bed planning to construct the final bed. Also they broke down the autonomous code so it could be tested in parts which consisted in mapping each step like, forward, backwards, rotating. The mechanical team cut the support member for the encoder. Members continue to wet sand pieces of the robot as they come from machining. It is a team effort in wet sanding the robot since every piece that can be seen will be polished eventually.

Today, the electrical subteam worked on the electrical bible. They started research on ultrasonic sensors, formatting, and making graphics to describe how to wire the sensor also starting the testing procedure for the ultrasonic sensor. Also soldering the PWM to the ultra sonic sensor and translating the pseudo code for the left tote autonomous code to the real code.  The mechanical subteam continues to wet sand the pillars for the robot. They also did the layout for the support member.

The electrical subteam researched on how to wire and program an ultrasonic sensor and edited the autonomous code for the left tote. The mechanical subteam wet sanded more pillars and cut the 2×2 angle piece that will be used for the electrical board support.. The business subteam finalized the open house invitation.

Today, the mechanical subteam chop sawed pieces for the electrical board and wet sanded metal pieces. After the frame pieces were finished begin wet sanded, they were prepared for welding. The electrical subteam continued with their strafing and USB camera tests. They also made a preset for the Mecanum strafing with the two toes. Drivers were able to refine strafing with two toes. Business has completed a draft of their FRC T-shirt.

This also marks our 4th sprint review. Each subteam presented what they finished this week like, data from robot testing and new additions to the competition robot.

Today, the electrical subteam changed the robot code to fix the strafing testing, tested the Mecanum drive’s strafing for picking up the totes. They also completed the final camera placement on the dashboard of the robot. They managed to refine the strafing tests with and without the totes.

The electrical team worked on updating computer software and continued to test the USB camera starting documentation on it.  The Mechanical team got the cut sheets from the CAD team for the inner frame bar and the structural support bar that will go between the two vertical poles. Members began to layout the material in preparation for cutting. Testing of different materials to use, thin pads, rubber, 5/8ths, on the tote stabilizer today concluded with finding that each had their own flaws. Also member practiced welding joints preparing for the final robot frame welding.