Today everyone helped and sanded the parts of the robot to make sure that it would be ready by the weekend for welding. Business sub-team also made buttons for the team to pass out at events and competition. Electrical cut out the board to which they will mount all the electrical components for the robot.

With the electrical team busy at work converting the camera code from NIVison to C++, the mechanical team continued to wet sand the metal parts. Along with sanding, the mechanical team began to machine the gearbox and later adjusted the mounting holes on the frame.

Today began day two of sanding, a few of the pieces had major scratches and we had to start from the beginning using a 200 grit sand paper. Taking a break from adding to the camera code, the electrical team instead began to convert the code from NIVision to C++.

As the electrical team continued the camera code, they worked on adjusting the code to fit field specs. The mechanical team began to sand all the metal needed for the frame along with two catapult support parts. The other sub teams assisted in the long, extensive task of sanding as well. Many of the sanders were learning to sand for the first time but soon got a hang on sanding. Having never sanded before we were amazed to see the amount of time and effort that it took to get the robot ready to polish.

Today the electrical team worked on editing and perfecting the parts of the camera code they had previously written, the mechanical team created an assembly line to efficiently make the frame of the robot. Although they mainly focused on the frame, some were working on retrieval and parts for catapult support. The few members of mechanical that weren’t drilling and milling created a welding schedule with our mentor, Ryan. And we figured out how many hours would be spent on polishing the metal pieces of the robot.