With our open house a day away, sub-teams set to work creating a PowerPoint that would be presented at open house. While the leaders of each sub-team worked on the PowerPoint, team members focused on finishing the week’s tasks. The electrical team placed the electronics on base and adjusted the code to autonomous specs. They also soldered wires for the electrical components. The mechanical team fabricated a mount for the kill switch mount and attached sprockets to the drive wheels.

As the electrical sub-team tinkered and began documenting the camera code, the mechanical team sanded the drive plates. Along with working on the camera code, the electrical sub-team made a few adjustments to the autonomous code and worked on writing detailed descriptions about the motor controllers and how the code methods worked. As for the mechanical team, as soon as they completed sanding, they machined gear box plates for the winch and drilled holes in the centering device on the sprocket and the winch mount. They also laid out the rake prep for welding.

Focusing on making the code clear, the electrical team commented and documented the code to make it legible. They also bolted down the electrical components for the general layout and continued to work on the Electrical Bible, making an electrical diagram to give future members insight how to wire connections between different electrical component properly. The mechanical team fabricated and sanded the camera mount and dealt with a winch problem due to a piece not being ordered. A way to fasten a hose strap to the winch was devised and used in place of the missing piece.

Today the electrical team focused on eradicating a memory leak in the camera code. They also began to make the autonomous code that they had previously been planning. The mechanical team milled spacers for the catapult and finished welding the battery box along with a few other pieces.

Whoo!!! The electrical team finally finished the basic skeleton on the camera code. The mechanical team wet sanded “L” brackets and discussed how to mount the bumpers, axis camera, and a kill switch on the robot. Some of the mechanical team also lathed, milled, and welded parts together.

As most of the electrical team continued to work on the camera code, those not working on it created an autonomous flow chart for the robot to follow when it shoots the game piece. The mechanical team worked on machining angle brackets for the window motor, cut holes, and trimmed down pieces. They also used the lathe to learn how to place a bent steel shaft into three bearings.