Igniting Inspiration: Fall 2015

This camp is our third iteration of our Igniting Inspiration STEM camps. There are two camps offered: Space Settler and Robotics . The first camp, Space Settler will explore engineering projects in the field of space exploration and settlement. The second, Robotics, involved designing a LEGO NXT Mindstorm robot and programming it to complete certain missions based on the 2013 FIRST LEGO League game using sensors.

You can view information about our past camps by clicking the links below:
Fall 2013 | Summer 2014

Enrollment Form

Thank you for your interest in our program! Registration for our summer camp will be announced next year.


[DKB url=”http://mililanirobotics.org/images/outreach/ignitinginspiration/2015/fall/Flyer.pdf” text=”Download Igniting Inspiration Flyer” desc=”PDF, 147KB” type=”” style=”” height=”” width=”” opennewwindow=”” nofollow=”” color=”” textcolor=”#ffe149″]